holy week

The Sunday of the Passion or Palm Sunday begins the last week of Lent, known as Holy Week. During this holiest time of the church year, the worship services relive the final week of our Lord's human life. March 24, is Palm Sunday-- a mixture of celebration and solemnity. Worship for both morning services that day begin with an air of festivity as we celebrate with music and palm branches. As the service progresses, the mood and focus of our worship will shift to the Passion of our Lord and what that means for the week ahead. It is this service that begins our worship for Holy Week. The service will not conclude, but will end in a way that invites you to its continuation on Thursday and Friday, and then to its culmination on Easter Sunday. We look forward to your participation in this meaningful and important part of our Easter preparation.

Holy Week includes Maundy Thursday, when Christians observe Christ's "Last Supper" -- the institution of the Sacrament of Holy Communion -- and the mandate to serve one another in love. Thursday, March 28, will be our Maundy Thursday observance, a service in which we remember Jesus’ Passover meal before His crucifixion. This service, too, does not conclude, but instead dramatically ends with the stripping of the altar and chancel area. Worship is at 7:00 PM.

Friday, March 29, is Good Friday. Our worship that evening will focus on the crucifixion of our Lord and our part in that crucifixion. As in past years, this service will be a tenebrae service (a service of shadows). A part of this service that many have found quite meaningful is the opportunity provided to actually nail our sins to the cross. Worship that evening is at 7:00 PM This service, too, will end in anticipation of a conclusion on Easter Sunday.

We invite you to join us
Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024
as we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

Easter morning is filled with excitement at St. Timothy!  We worship at 8:30 and 11:00, and we fellowship over breakfast all morning! The Golden Girls host this amazing morning feast. (All donations offered for breakfast will go to help St. Timothy members in need.)
At 8:30 AM, our worship follows a traditional liturgy and is led by our Easter Festival Choir.  Woodwinds, brass and handbells enhance this majestic celebration.
At 11:00 AM, our worship overflows with joy-filled celebration as Joyful Noise, our contemporary vocal and instrumental ensemble, leads us into praise of our risen Lord.